Morsi Meter


Before the Egyptian presidential elections in May 2012, the Muslim Brotherhood candidate, Mohammed Morsi, proposed a 100-day plan for reinvigorating the economy and social and political situation of the country post-revolution. After he was elected in June, Zabatak, (@Zabatak), an anti-corruption and transparency advocacy group struck on an innovative idea to publicly monitor Morsi's performance. Modeled on the Obamameter, and other similar projects in other countries, MorsiMeter is a simple website tracking Morsi's fulfillment of his promises in the five areas of security, traffic, bread, cleanliness and fuel. 

Screenshot of the Morsi Meter - a website monitoring the performance of the Egyptian president

This technique worked well in an American context but was it the most useful to reach the voting Egyptian public, the majority of who are not online? It's a good first step to map a campaign's different audiences. Try the exercise included in this card.