Facebook Organised Kiss-In Protest


 A group of Spanish activists who organised a kissing ‘flashmob’ through Facebook to coincide with the Pope's visit to Barcelona received worldwide press coverage.  The demonstration was in response to the Pope’s disapproval of Spain’s tolerance towards gay marriage, divorce and abortion.  The group’s Facebook page read "No placards, no flags, no shouting and no slogans. Only kissing allowed."  Although the turnout was relatively small, the originality of the idea attracted news coverage acoss five continents.

Social Networks
Spanish Flashmob organized through Facebook in protest to the popes visit to Barcelona

 A flashmob is a creative, fun and low-resource way to mobilise a critical mass of people. But you'll need to make it appeal to your supporters. It's a good idea to start by looking at other actions that inspire you. Included in this card is a suggested activity to do this with your colleagues.