A Mobile Phone App to Monitor Israeli Settlements


Facts On The Ground is a free mobile phone app to monitor Israeli settlements developed by Americans For Peace Now (APN), a US-based advocacy organisation. It provides details of Israeli settlements using mapping technology. APN had collected a large amount of data that was inaccessible to others and difficult to disseminate until they decided to visualise it through maps.  Users of this app can pinpoint individual settlements and the year they were established, access information on the population and add layers of additional information.  The accessibility and detailed information available in this app allows people to get a much clearer picture of the situation on the ground.

A phone app which allowed the monitoring of Israeli settlements by Facts on the Ground and Americans for Peace Now (APN)

By creating a clear map of Israeli Settlements users were able to learn a significant amount and also contribute information. Using such tools allows for a more transparent and wider understanding of an issue. Including data, maps and apps in your strategy can increase supporter involvement significantly!